Friday, April 20, 2012

A Muslim Child's Way of Life

We are publishing this book with two purposes in mind. One is to signify the meanings of the statement of Faith, which is Laa ilaaha illallaah; and what position it should hold in our lives. The conditions and the requirements of the statement of Faith are clearly described for our children in such a style that they will grasp it without any difficulty. All the Articles of Faith have been explained to them in a very easy manner. In fact every child gets the clear idea of all the requirements of Faith by reading this book, and this was one aim which has been achieved in a perfect manner. The second aim was to promote healthy extracurricular activities in the school children. Various types of debates, writing competitions and sports produce sound effects both mentally and physically upon the children. They become fluent in expressing themselves through words whether it is by speaking or by writing. Such competitions increase the thinking capabilities of the children, making them creative and expressive.

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Monday, March 12, 2012

The Key to Paradise

It was said to al-Hasan, 'People say that whoever says, 'None has the right to be worshipped,' shall enter Paradise.' He said, 'Whoever says, 'None has the right to be worshipped save Allah,' and fulfils its obligations and meets its requirements, shall enter Paradise.'
Wahb ibn Munabbih was asked, 'Is not the testification that 'none has the right to be worshipped save Allah' the key to Paradise?' He replied, 'Of course, but every key has its teeth; if you bring a key that has teeth, the door shall open; but if not, it will not.'
The Key to Paradise is the testification of Tawhid. This book highlights the importance of correct belief, a true love for Allah and the state of the heart. Chapters Include: The Manner of Entering Paradise The Meaning of the Testification Loving Allah The Sound Heart
Also included is an extremely beneficial appendix - The Types of Hearts by al-Hafiz ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

The Manners of the Knowledge Seeker

“…I spent thirty years learning manners, and I spent twenty years learning knowledge…”
- ‘Abdullah bin al-Mubarak

Thursday, February 23, 2012

This book will consist of various quotations of al-Imam 'Abdullah 'Azzam - a man who truly deserves the title of 'Imam,' if anyone does. In addition to being a scholar and Mujahid, he also fulfilled the seldom-fulfilled role of being a brilliant murabbi - his immensely deep insight, coupled with his decades of experience in the fields of both Da'wah and Jihad, made him a priceless asset to the youth of his time and beyond.
So, we will present here various words of advice and stories of remembrance taken from his works - both written and recorded - so that we may benefit from his legacy, if Allah Wills.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Governing Yourself & Your Family According To What Allah Has Revealed

The subject matter of this work has preoccupied and continues to preoccupy the minds of our nation's members; yet in spite of this preoccupation, many people lack a correct understanding regarding it. Because the issues that fall under the subject matter of this work are so important, I decided to write this work, through which I hope to make plain the way to live and act according to what Allah has revealed. Contrary to what some may think, this work is relevant not just to leaders, but to every individual as well. Each and every human being is a leader and chief of sorts, for just as a ruler is responsible for the welfare of his state and citizens, each one of us is responsible for his flock -- the members of his family and, more importantly, his own self…


Friday, January 27, 2012

Du'a- The Weapon of the Believers

Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 240 | Size: 13.5 MB

In this work, the author elaborates on the status, importance, and etiquette of du'a or prayer and supplications in Islam. In the most comprehensive work yet written in English on this topic, the author discusses, amongst other matters:

* The excellence and benefits of the dua
* The types of dua
* The pre-conditions that are needed in order for a dua to be accepted
* The recommended etiquette of performing dua
* The timings and situations in which the dua is more likely to be answered
* The various factors that aid or prevent a dua from being accepted
* The relationship of dua with the Divine Decree (qadr)
* The wisdom behind a delayed response
